Somatic Channeling practitioners work with integrity, skill, precision, elegance, and compassion. They are deeply attuned to energies within themselves, their clients, and those beyond the physical plane. Schedule consultations and sessions with practitioners below.

Meet our gifted practitioners.

Somatic Channeling Founder, Conduit & Steward

Taylor “Unjaara” Bratches

Taylor awoke to channeling - specifically, Somatic Channeling at a forest rave in 2016 while on psychedelics. She sat to meditate on a mountain outcropping in the middle of the night after hours of dancing, and “received” Somatic Channeling for the first time: her arms moving into yogic postures automatically, beyond her conscious control - RESUlTINg in a full energetic clearing. It felt like coming home.
This came after a Kundalini Awakening at the age of 21, an initiatory near-death experience in the desert at the age of 23, 15+ years of spiritual study and seeking in various traditions (Zen Buddhism, Krishna Consciousness, astrology, tarot, Chinese Medicine, Tantra and more), psychedelic exploration in traditional ceremonial and recreational spaces, a lifetime of dance training, and a complex history of depression, anxiety, CPTSD, and intergenerational family trauma rooted in sexual abuse, addiction and severe mental illness. 
After this first Initiation with Somatic Channeling, she  meditated for several years before being able to receive the modality consciously and without plant medicine. 

During sessions, Taylor enters a light trance to receive Somatic Channeling, which then allows her to perceive and physically feel the energy field. Her gift is that she is able to sense, locate, and release blockages with Somatic Channeling movements in the energetic body (chakras, nadis/meridians, auric layers) - which are usually the result of trauma, stress, or emotional wounding & repression. This often translates to somatic and emotional release, as well as healing in the physical body. She has helped clients deeply process and release emotional and physical trauma, early childhood and past life memories, blocked energy through the physical body, and has also relieved physical ailments like chronic shoulder pain, TMJ, pregnancy challenges, neck pain, and more. Her energy work has resulted in real change for her clients and the undoing of emotional and habitual patterns.

The second Somatic Channeling initiation came spontaneously (SOBER) on Swami’s Beach in CA, outside of Yogananda’s Self-Realization Center. She then was formally initiated into the Kriya Yoga tradition. She also became a certified Psychedelic Facilitator through SoundMind Institute, and weaves conscious medicine use into her work - though the majority of her work and somatic/verbal channeling is done sober.
Flash forward to the present, she now sees clients regularly, offering Somatic Channeling energy work sessions and trainings to others. She feels it is her sacred calling in this incarnation to not only share her gifts by being an energy worker and channel of the highest integrity, but by stewarding Somatic Channeling on Earth by guiding and training practitioners who feel deeply connected to this modality. 
Through Somatic Channeling, she woke up to verbal channeling (channeling Spirit Guides and other non-physical energies), mediumship, light language, and other mystical abilities. However, Somatic Channeling is her focus, as she believes it to be an incredibly profound healing modality that awakens the dormant Self beyond ego, active in every human body.
She credits Somatic Channeling for her own healing; her path has oriented around healing herself and helping others awaken to their own innate healing wisdom.
  • Hannah O'Donovan

    Hannah is a Level 2 Somatic Channeling Practitioner and Somatic Coach based in Canada, as well as a somatic guide and consultant. She uses her gifts as a Neurodivergent and Projector (Human Design), to guide individuals, businesses and systems through transformation.

    Her journey into somatic healing was catalyzed by her own life-long experiences grappling with anxiety, depression, persistent burnout and undiagnosed ADHD. After a successful 15-year career in global event production, she experienced a major nervous system collapse, triggering her to dive into wellness from a personal lens first. She explored neuroplasticity and nervous system regulation, facilitating her own healing and igniting her passion to help others thrive in a world that doesn’t always prioritize our full spectrum of human needs. 

    At the core of her somatic practice, is the application of somatic therapy modalities grounded in the Polyvagal Theory, with a focus on Somatic Channeling, breathwork, and movement.

    She started somasoma to guide people toward emotional freedom and resilience through somatic healing. Blending scientific principles with playful exploration, somasoma embodies a new era of joy, where individuals reconnect with their truest selves, liberated from chromic stress and persistent emotional dysregulation.

  • Esther Hernandez

    Esther is a Level 2 Somatic Channeling Practitioner based in Denver, CO.

    Esther has been deeply committed to practicing Somatic Channeling since the summer of 2023. Through her work, she connects with her own guides and the guides of others to offer verbally channeled messages and energy healing.

    Her path has also led her to access the Akashic records and explore both verbal and somatic light language. Additionally, she has been guided to specific sites and locations to raise their energetic frequency through intentional energy work.

    Esther is especially passionate about using somatic channeling to heal generational and ancestral wounds, helping to release deep-rooted trauma and patterns. Her background in trauma-informed care equips her to create a safe, supportive environment for those seeking healing.